Роль искусства в моей жизни на английском

Сочинение на английском языке с переводом Искусство в моей жизни 27 марта 2014 - Ольга Первачева Уровень B. Art in my live Everyone can do what he wants. We learn, work, walk the streets, go to the seaside. This routine will sooner or later get tired. So you will need to find a way out. Someone finds a solution in alcohol, in drugs.

искусство в моей жизни. Братья решили изучить одну из самых известных картин, где еда играет важную роль – «Тайная вечеря». Представлено сочинение на английском языке Искусство/ Art с переводом на русский язык. Музыка может изменить мое настроение. Если мне.

Art Искусство There are many different types of arts in the world. The most popular ones are cinema, theater, literature, music and painting. В мире существует множество различных видов искусства. Наиболее популярными из них являются кино, театр, литература, музыка и живопись. Я хотела бы рассказать вам немного о каждом из этих видов искусств. First of all, my favourite type of art is music.

Сочинение на английском языке Искусство/ Art с переводом на русский язык

Сочинение на английском языке с переводом Искусство и его роль в нашей жизни 29 марта 2014 - Семёнова Диана Уровень В. Art and its role in modern life Nobody can imagine his life without art. It is role in our life is tremendous. Art develops sense of beauty, such qualities as kindness, sympathy it teaches us to hate cruelty. The history of art dates back to ancient times.

Сочинение About art на английском с переводом

Сочинение на английском языке с переводом Искусство в моей жизни 27 марта 2014 - Ольга Первачева Уровень B. Art in my live Everyone can do what he wants. We learn, work, walk the streets, go to the seaside.

This routine will sooner or later get tired. So you will need to find a way out. Someone finds a solution in alcohol, in drugs. Someone begins to make friends with the wrong people. Just a man can not live in constant motion. We need a rest, when our soul can be charged with new energy. I think that this energy is the art. It is possible to find such a depth of knowledge that will change your whole world. First I want to talk about what art is.

There are many definitions of art. What are the main approaches to the understanding of this phenomenon. First, the art — it is a specific kind of spiritual reflection and understanding of reality. For many years, researchers art further added: "aiming at the formation and development of the human ability to creatively transform the world and itself under the laws of beauty.

So I will try to explain. It should be noted that the mere existence of purpose in art is controversial, and the concept of beauty — a relative, as the standard of beauty can change in different cultural traditions, approved by the triumph of the ugly like in modernism and postmodernism or even completely denied like in the art of the absurd. Secondly, art — this is an important part of culture. It carries a set of values. Studying art, we study how changing the value of man throughout history.

I captures even the thought of how many passes the art. Third, the art can act as a guide. I mean that man always needs ideally. In religion there is an ideal — God. Man must act and think like God. And art leads us along a certain path. The amazing thing is that everyone has their way. Looking at a painting, we see different things. Fourth, in the art man can reach their full potential. Among us there are people whose hearts are imbued with special powers.

They can transmit strong feelings using paint or camcorder. Art is the soul of man. Art is that surrounds us in everyday life, comes into our house on TV and video, sounds on stage and in audio. In artistic images reflected not only the reality, but also attitude, outlook cultural epochs. There are many kinds of art. But I want to talk about those kinds that really touched my heart. This painting, sculpture, photo, architecture, theater, opera, ballet, literature and cinema.

Each of them can powerfully influence people. Painting — visual art associated with the transmission of visual images by applying paint to the surface of a solid or flexible. Painting for many years to surprise people. She passed not only the history and memory, but also feelings, emotions, grief and happiness. I like to feel not only painting, but also to study it.

I learned a lot of new and interesting facts. Did you know that scientists studying many paintings, written in different centuries, came to the conclusion that the portions of food for most of these paintings invariably grow.

People have become more and more — a fact about which so much talk lately, decided to prove scientifically Vensin brothers. One of the brothers — Brion — Cornell University professor and director of the Institute of Nutrition. And the second — Greg — Professor University of Virginia religious teachings. Vensin brothers decided to study one of the most famous paintings dedicated to the meal — the Last Supper.

For this purpose, they took more than 50 paintings, written from 1000 to 1800. Somebody could say that it is not important, but I think that even the little things help us to develop thinking. Sculpture — is a certain kind of visual art, in this form of art works of the author obtained the usual form, and are made of different plastic or solid material. When it comes to sculpture, we remember the Greek statue or a wonderful image of King David. But I would like to say about the Statue of Liberty.

She is one of the most famous sculptures in the United States, is a gift of the French people to the centennial of the Declaration of Independence in 1876. It was conceived in 1865. It was assumed that the statue had to remind about the support of the American and the French nation to each other during the French Revolution and the War of Independence.

Apparently guided this noble idea, donors have decided that enough Americans just statues, and offered them to build their own pedestal for her. Author of the sculpture became Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. However, the most remarkable in the Statue of Liberty is not its artistic value, and its constructive solution — a truly revolutionary for those days, authored by Gustave Eiffel Eiffel Tower, the future creator.

He first brought the 46-meter statue on the steel frame to which the gain trim of 300 copper sheets. They do not have much money so the sculpture was brought to America only in 1885. Official opening of the Statue of Liberty took place October 28, 1886. So late for the anniversary gift as much as 10 years. Photo — completely independent kind of figurative art of modern technical arts photography, cinema, television. Note — the technical skill. Photo formed its own special language you want to learn to understand.

This language is constantly improved since the inception of photography. He acquired imagery, and the photograph itself was not the image of something indifferent, and gained the position of art has the same functions that are inherent in any other of its kind. Photo often scared me.

If you look at the famous pictures, you will notice that there are very often removed terrible things. When we see a picture of a sick child, we experience it through. I was particularly struck by the photograph — Famine in Sudan. Author — Kevin Carter — Pulittserskuyu received the award in 1994 for his work.

The card shows a Sudanese girl, bent from hunger. Soon she will die, and a large condor in the background ready for it. Picture shocked the whole civilized world. On the origin of girls unknown to anyone, including the photographer. He made the shot, chased the predator and looked like a child leaves. Kevin Carter was a member of a group of photographers "Bang Bang Club" — four fearless photojournalists traveling to Africa in search of fotosensatsy.

Two months after receiving the award, Carter committed suicide. Perhaps haunted by horrific memories of what he saw in Sudan. Another photo that struck me — Omar torment.

November 13, 1985. Volcanic eruption of Nevado del Ruiz Colombia. Mountain snow melts, and the mass of mud, earth and water thickness of 50 meters literally razed everything in its path.

The number of dead has exceeded 23,000 people. Catastrophe received tremendous response worldwide, partly because of a little girl photographs, named Omaira Sanchaz. She was trapped — neck in the mire, her legs were trapped in the concrete construction of the house. Rescuers were trying to pump mud and release the child, but in vain. Girl held for three days, and then infected by several viruses.

Recalls journalist Christina Echandia, near all the time, Omaira sang and talked with others. She was scared and she was constantly thirsty, but kept very brave. On the third night she started hallucinating. The photo was taken a few hours before death. Photographer — Frank Fournier.

Next I want to talk about architecture. I am surprised at what people masterpieces built hundreds of years ago. Now our house like the same boxes.

Роль искусства в моей жизни

The different forms of art existed in Ancient times. Of course, all people know about cave art. The images of animals and people were found in many caves. It is hard to imagine but these images belong to the Paleolithic age! With the development different kinds and forms of the art have been appearing: paintings, sewing, embroidering, literature, film industry and even invisible art.

Art and its role in modern life

Сочинение About art на английском с переводом Нет времени? Сохрани в facebook vkontakte pocket Когда вы последний раз рисовали что—нибудь? Умеете ли вы разглядеть необычное в обычном и наоборот? А как у вас дела с воображением в принципе? Говорят, с теми, у кого оно бурное не соскучишься. Мы находим красоту вокруг нас и восхищаемся ею, делимся с другими и расчитываем на совпадение мнения с нашим и расстраиваемся, когда этого не происходит. Как бы то ни было, а все виды искусств служат величайшему из них — искусству жить на земле.

ПОСМОТРИТЕ ВИДЕО ПО ТЕМЕ: Роль искусства в современном мире

Искусство играет важную роль

Тип: Идейно-художественный анализ произведения Искусство является неотъемлемой частью жизни каждого государства, города и человека. Слово "искусство" имеет множество определений, характеристик и особенностей, но каждый человек представляет его по - своему. По моему мнению, искусство - это образное отражение реальности, главной целью которого является приобщение человека к прекрасному, чувственному, интересному и красивому, порой даже к необъяснимому и противоречивому. Я думаю, что кино, живопись, архитектура и другие виды искусства должны вызывать различные эмоции, чувства и мысли в душе и разуме человека.

Art plays an important role in my life. It aids the people`s understanding of their culture. No doubt tastes should be developed through images of high artistic. czech-gm.ru › Сочинения › Сочинения на свободную тему › 10 класс. Искусство является неотъемлемой частью жизни каждого государства, города и человека. Слово "искусство" имеет множество определений.


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